Monday, October 10, 2011

Natural History Museum

We decided to make our way over to the Natural History Museum as it was only a quick walk from our last place....and FREE. So as poor college kids we couldn't resist. The building itself established way back in the day in 1881 and has 4+ millon visitors a year, yes I googled it. It stands out as it is massive in size and an architects dream.
View from across the street


Main Hall and largo Dino

Our Fist Stop was of course the monkeys...aka Primate Exhibit. Nothing special as there were no live monkeys present except for the one I deal with on the a daily basis. We did however learn some interesting facts about them.
        - A group of monkeys is called a "Troop"
        - Orangutan are the largest fruit eating animals....Might be my new favorite animal due to this fact

Flying skeleton monkeys

Second, we stopped at the Cretaceous era which unfortunately was nothing like Jurassic Park but we did make it back alive so thats always a plus. There were mostly just casts of different types of dinosaurs and a few fossils. However, they did have a animatronic T-rex made out to be the fiercest dinasour among them. How is it this is the most feared dinosaurs and its arms weren't even long enough to reach its mouth? I mean it cant even brush its own teeth! Also, I was reminded that a great deal of them were herbivores and felt like I could have some new friends....if only they were still alive. Damn you Asteroids or Ice Age or was it Volcanoes? All I know is that I lost some friends.

 "I like plants! I'm an herbivore"
"Im small but I've got spunk"

"Drink your milk or you will go extinct like me!"

"RAAAR, Im scary and have bad breath"

Our Third stop and last, as Suzanna was getting tired and hungry, was the marine area. Suzanna raced off to go see the dolphins even though I explained to her that they were "pretend dolphins". When I finally caught up with her she had quickly moved on to observing the narwhal as well as the other mammals hanging from the ceiling.
"I wish I was a dolphin, so majestic"

"Cuties in front!"

Imagine if whales could walk....

Overall, it was a great time and we left more to explore for another time. We did thing about buying some souvenirs but they were crazy expensive so opted to save our money for dinner and alcohol. By the way, there is no 2 buck chuck over here which is very unfortunate when the cheapest bottle is £6 (~$9.50).

***Suz is responsible for the captions***

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